Thinking More About Leadership

Recent events in an organisation I am only too familiar with have again set me thinking about leadership and the need to develop leaders who are empathic, emotionally intelligent and who recognise the worth and importance of the people within the organisation. Life is complex, work is complex and we need leaders who are able to recognise that and to empower the people in the organsiation to make choices, experiment with different ways  of doing things and to develop mastery and a sense of intrinsic self fulfillment. Not an easy task and traditional ( whatever they might be!!!) and remote leaders in this day and age simply do not cut the mustard.


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Leadership Workshop


Influencing, Mastering Power, Authority, Control, Tactics

a professional development opportunity

We live in complex and demanding times, and demands for leaders in organisations  to be skilled and respond have never been greater.

Organisations are complex social and political systems. Optimising their performance requires a sophisticated set of skills to effectively manage the emotional and social processes that impact on group and organisational performance.

Creative Cognicion in collaboration with Bespoke Results are faclitating a workshop on October 25.

In this highly experiential workshop you will be provided with deep insights into what makes organisations and groups tick.  We will examine the cultural and systemic factors that either support or have the potential to derail your organisation’s ability to deliver on its strategic objectives.

Registration is currently open and further details including registration details can be obtained by contacting Laurel on

Electronic registration will  be available in the first week of August.

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3 New Workshops

Creative Cognition is offering 3 new workshops.


Are you often confronted with “No” as the first answer to your ideas? The Influencing workshops can assist you in having “Yes” said more often. The workshops use metaphor drawing on Organizational Zoo techniques to understand behaviors, and a range of creative techniques to help you develop your pitch. The workshops are a series of half day workshops with workplace application between sessions to help gain traction for the capabilities learnt. A less intensive whole day workshop is also offered.

Improving Your Team

Through the use of metaphor and designed interactions participants can explore how to improve their team interactions and thereby build a more effective team. The workshop helps participants gain insights into their own behaviors as well as that of the team and make adjustments where necessary.  It takes participants beyond the traditional “team building approach” into the realm of behaviors and attitudes and self reflection. Organizational Zoo techniques are drawn upon to develop the metaphors and understand behaviors in a fun and safe manner.

How to Move Forward (& not be frozen by risk!!)

This half day workshop assists with making risk an enabler rather than a barrier to moving forward. It looks at risk head on rather than denying it and helps the individual or group use it to their advantage. It is conducted in collaboration with “Think Quick”

A description of all offerings can be found in workshops creative cognicionjune 2011

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“No You Can’t Do That”

Recently I have been coming across people who are finding the whole notion of getting their ideas knocked back really frustrating. The RMIT students I mentor were talking about it,  people who are in big organisations are describing it to me and individuals who are simply trying to make a difference are also experiencing it. I do not think the ” No you can’t do that” syndrome is on the increase, but it does seem to be an emerging pattern in the conversations I am having.

It set me thinking about ways to deal with and manage the situation.

The first that came to mind was de Bono 6 Hats application.  By structuring a meeting or a conversation using 6 Hats the thinking can focus on the positive first and then the risks, rather than the other way around. It may go something like this:

Blue Hat   “We are going to look at such and such an idea and make a decision about its implementation”

White Hat ” This is the idea

Yellow Hat “These are the benefits of the idea”

Black Hat ” These are the risks of the idea”

Red Hat (briefly) ” This is what we feel about the idea” 

Blue Hat “This is what we are going to do about the idea”

This keeps people focused and balanced, and puts the positive before the negative instead of the usual human trait of defaulting to the negative  first all the time.

Alternatively one of the DATT tools such as Plus Minus Interesting could be used instead.

Another way would be to work with the group generating the ideas is to undertake an archetype extraction. I did such a thing when working within the Victoria Public Service and we looked at innovation within the public service.  The archetypes were the product of a cross sectional group from the public service and provided ways of  identifying  and understanding the behaviours of innovation blockers. Therefore ways of managing the behaviour could be found.  Archetypes include characteristics and attributes and are none of us but many of us.

A third approach is that of metaphor. Arthur Shelley’s Organizational Zoo character cards are wonderful for metaphor. The cards are representative of animals in the Zoo ( organization) Each has particular behaviours and attributes  and all are neither good nor bad. This is the perfect opportunity to look at behaviours in the third person and remove the discussion about the blockers from the personal. Conversation around the animal metaphors can then lead to how do we solve the problem of not getting uptake of our idea. 

So all is  not lost when someone says ” No You Can’t Do That”

For further information or assistance with exploring the implementation of any of the above please contact


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Organisational Culture


Last week I attended  a webinar that got me thinking. The focus of the webinar was organisational culture and the relationship of Unwritten Ground Rules (UGRs) and the locus of control.

UGRs according to Steve Simpson are “the way we do things around here” They are frequently unspoken and unconscious and more form habits which in turn influence the behaviours of individual in organisations.  As an extension of this I went on to  think about how they formed part of the psychological contract between people in the workplace.  That contract is often not overted either and when breached causes angst, feelings of being let down etc. So if UGRs are habits that influence people’s behaviours then they are most likely patterns of thinking and understanding which manifest themselves as behaviours.

Linked with the notion of UGRs is the locus of control of individuals. Now we do not mean micro management but rather the extent for which people take responsibility for their own feelings, thoughts and achievements. People with a positive and high level of internal locus of control tend to foster positive  UGRs so the culture in turn becomes a positive one. People with an external locus of control ie one where everyone else and events are responsible for what happens tend to foster negative  culture and negative UGRs ie ones of blame and lack of responsibility.

So the question remains is how to change organisational culture? A complex issue and belongs in the complex domain.  I would suggest that rather than tackling organisational culture per se and with usual linear responses, that multiple probes experiments are conducted to disrupt people’s thinking patterns. We do not know exactly what will work but the use of De bono thinking tools and some of the Cognitive Edge techniques would be a good place to start. This then has the potential to disrupt and change  habits and therefore behaviours and therefore the negative UGRs. And those that create the most disruption we continue with and those which have no effect we discontinue!!!

And finally when discussing this with a friend who I suggested had a high internal locus of control, their response was  I feel I am a pelagic soul in life’s currents awaiting the plankton of experience to nurture my needs”. High internal locus of control or not??????

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6 Thinking Hats Workshop

“A huge thanks for what was hands down the best and most practical training I have ever done.  As a mediator I loved the close parallels between the hats and the various stages and foci of mediation, but even apart from that I pretty much started using the training as soon as I walked out the door. ” (March 18 participant)

Join us for a highly interactive day of learning and practical application of 12 thinking tools at Melbourne’s most prestigious training venue.

People and organisations are seeking improvement and quality across many areas except that which is the most important – the quality of the way we think.

If we improve the quality of our thinking the quality of the actions that follow correspondingly improve.

The Six Thinking Hats are designed to dramatically improve the way we think. The methods are used to look at issues from multiple perspectives and help us to move beyond our habitual thinking styles to achieve a more rounded and thorough view of a given situation.

In this full day session participants will develop:

  • a sound understanding of multiple thinking styles,
  • the ability to design and facilitate effective, outcome oriented meetings,
  • the ability to generate new ideas using lateral thinking methods,
  • the ability to design and lay out a thinking process, and
  • become a more thorough and objective thinker.

The session will be held at Melbourne’s premier training venue and all participants will be provided with an optional work-based assessment with which to immediately start to apply the methods back in the workplace. Successful completion of this assessment provides the “Blue Hat Facilitator” Pin.  Email & telephone coaching will be provided to assist with this at no additional cost.

Date & Time : 8:30am – 4:30pm, Friday May 27, 2011

Where: The Airlie Leadership Development Centre, 260 Domain Rd South Yarra

Value: $499/person with an early rate of $449/person up until May 13

Other: Participants from all sectors are welcome. Coffee/Tea will be provided upon arrival by qualified Baristas and the highest quality morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided. (If you’ve been to Airlie before you’ll know what this means!)

To Register: Click Here

For more information contact Laurel Sutton 0417 321 296 or Frank Connolly 0400109 727

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Power of Perception Workshop


It has been said that up to 90% of the mistakes we make are not a result of poor logic, but a result of mistakes in our perception. The “Power of Perception” training will provide you with 10 simple strategies for sharpening and improving your perception and focusing your thinking in a more comprehensive, effective and  efficient manner.

This course assists participants to develop more broad and inclusive viewpoints and create a framework for defining and addressing a given situation.

A work-based assessment will be provided to all participants with a view to assisting an immediate application of the methods back in the workplace. Coaching via phone and email will be available free of charge to assist participants to complete this assessment.

You should attend this course if you or your staff have a need to:

  • Improve your scanning of specific issues and the broader environment,
  • Think with greater structure and clarity,
  • Use methodical and construtive problem sensing and solving techniques,
  • Make confident and considered decisions’
  • Avoid first pattern-match solution orientation and,
  • Avoid impulsive behaviour and judgements.

Date: Tuesday May 31

Time: 8:30am – 5:00pm

Location: Airlie Leadership Development Centre, 260 Domain Rd Sth Yarra

Value: $499/person with an early bird rate of $449/person up until May 13. Bookings of 3 or more also attract the early bird rate.)

Other: This is a public workshop and participants from all sectors are welcome. Coffee/tea/Hot chocolate on arrival, morning tea, lunch and 

afternoon tea will be provided.

To Register: Click Here

For further information please contact Laurel Sutton 0417 321 296 or or Frank Connolly 0400 109 727

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Pictures and Conversations

“and what is the use of a book” thought Alice” without pictures or conversations?” ( Lewis Carroll)

Randomly coming across this quote while looking for something pithy about conversations on the web set me thinking about the linkage between pictures and conversations and how this might be effectively used.

Pictures can often be a way of beginning a conversation  and help with the focus. People will respond differently to different pictures and this response can tell you lots about that person and their thinking. The picture attached to this article was one I used when I was involved in some potentially awkward conversations about change processes ….and one where conversations were not happening. Going to see someone to discuss the change, I produced this picture . It was an ideal way of saying what was happening and defused a potentially acrimonious and defensive response .

Equally useful have been the use of Arthur Shelley’s Organizational Zoo cards or the cards from St Luke’s. The pictures, cartoons, diagrams etc on these cards provide a canvass for people to respond, identify thoughts and feelings and start to articulate these. Different people will take on different perspectives from the pictures adding to the richness of the conversation and the exploration of the issues at hand.

There is also an element of safety in using pictures as it enables conversations to take place  from a “one person removed ” perspective . It means that , for example. behaviours and attitudes can be discussed  rather than discussing individuals which can result in blaming behaviour , defensiveness and other negative responses.

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6 Thinking Hats Workshop


People and organisations are seeking improvement and quality across many areas except that which is the most important – the quality of the way we think.

If we improve the quality of our thinking the quality of the actions that follow correspondingly improve.

The Six Thinking Hats are designed to dramatically improve the way we think. The methods are used to look at issues from multiple perspectives and help us to move beyond our habitual thinking styles to achieve a more rounded and thorough view of a given situation.

In this full day session participants will develop:

a sound understanding of multiple thinking styles,
the ability to design and facilitate effective, outcome oriented meetings,
the ability to generate new ideas using lateral thinking methods,
the ability to design and lay out a thinking process, and
become a more thorough and objective thinker.
The session will be held at Melbourne’s premier training venue and all participants will be provided with an optional work-based assessment with which to immediately start to apply the methods back in the workplace. Successful completion of this assessment provides the “Blue Hat Facilitator” Pin.  Email & telephone coaching will be provided to assist with this at no additional cost.

Date & Time : 8:30am – 4:30pm, Friday March 18, 2011

Where: The Airlie Leadership Development Centre, 260 Domain Rd South Yarra

Value: $490/person with an early rate of $440/person up until Feb 25

Other: Participants from all sectors are welcome. Coffee/Tea will be provided upon arrival by qualified Baristas and the highest quality morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided. (If you’ve been to Airlie before you’ll know what this means!)

Registration: Register Here

Any enquires may be directed to Frank at / 0400 109727 or Laurel at

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Complexity & Marketing

I recently facilitated a workshop for a Victorian Government Department where the question was around their products and services and how they are working with their market place. We worked with the internal customers to understand their ideas and views and to tap into the considerable repository of knowledge that people within the organistaion have. It was fascinating how many good ideas and thinking emerged when we used the emergent techniques of Cognitive Edge.

We used these techniques as the environment in which the department works is highly complex and shifts and changes all of the time. Linear and traditional ways of working are simply no longer sufficient to answer the questions that they have about their marketplace and customers.

Some of the group embraced the opportunity to do and think differently with both hands while others found it difficult to shift from more traditional ways of thinking and the concept that there was “Right” and “wrong” in a  very concrete sense. And this is precisely the point. In a complex world such as the one these people are operating in, there is no right and wrong, but rather  a “let’s see if this works” approach necessary. This not only caters for the complex environment, but provides for enormous learning opportunities and a chance to capture and develop knowledge and to be innovative.

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